Man Behind the Legacy

1:29:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Students come and go, but he's the only one who stayed. He is the teacher. The assistant principal. The coach. He is the man who started it all. He is the man who defended it. He is the man who was behind the legacy of the OLGAnian Math Wizards, and more. 

He really is strict and terror, but I guess, its all for our good. Seriously, I don't know if there is anything he can't do. He's ambidextrous, he knows a lot of stuffs and he is talented.  Anyways, he's not that serious at all times. He gives jokes too! I have high respect for him. He's the one who taught me a lot about math, science and journalism. He is my favorite, and probably, one of the best mentor I would ever have. 

He is one of the best and admirable teachers. But more importantly, he is the one who serves as the backbone to the legacy that our school have especially in Math Competitions. He is the one who mentored us. The one who reviewed us. The one who prepared us for success. Recently, OLGAnian Math Wizards successfully defended and brought honor to the school after winning in the Metrobank MTAP Math Challenge Division Finals. I'm proud to say that my brother is one of those who won. I can't believe I just missed his reaction when he went home, acting as if they'd lose. I would have wanted to see how happy he was. That look that say, 'I, too, can win.' Anyways, I know how long and hard they worked for this. Congrats to the winners, and above all, to the coach, who made it all possible.