I Like It Better When It's BLUE

9:14:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Valentine's Day just passed. I didn't had any celebration, except for a singles' date with RetroSci. This post is not about how I felt seeing couples dating, or girls getting roses and teddy bears from their special someone. This is about BLUE roses. Yes, BLUE rose. 

Yesterday, as I was reading posts and updates on Facebook, I saw this girl who posted a picture of her with a blue rose. I felt kinda insecure, mainly because I never seen one before and I'm dying to have even just one. 

I've been really fascinated with the blue rose ever since I saw it on a Korean drama entitled Stained Glass. I never knew beforehand that it ever existed. More than being fascinated by its beauty, I was intrigued if it really existed. So I did a few research and is still confused if they really do exist.

Blue rose is usually made by dyeing a white rose but thanks to science because in 2004, researchers were able to create blue pigmented roses using genetic modification. So what does it symbolize? It is said to symbolize mystery and attaining the impossible. After all, their very existence is in itself a mystery and the fact that they defy the usual course of nature makes it more surreal. They also speak of new beginnings, and in a way, caution.

Dyed or natural, it remain as my favorite flower. The famous quote may say that roses are red. But I say, they may be red, or pink, or white, or any color, but I like them best when they're BLUE.