Swimming for a Passing Grade:(
I have tons of things to do for tomorrow, so I need to charge my energy. I have a report for my Lit2 class, an exam in Hum1 and PRE-REGISTRATION for next semester. Ooohh..Unfortunately, my Lit2 class and the pre-reg starts at the same time. What should I do? I'll think about that later. Haha!
For now,I just feel the urge to create this blog, if not, my thoughts would distract me from studying for my exam in Hum1.
I've always wanted to be engaged in some sports, but I wasn't given the skills. Like most schools, UPV requires us to take PE classes. There are various sports to choose from, but given the number of students wanting the slot, enrolling in the class you are really interested in is, for me, a matter of luck. Ok, what's my point? Originally, I wanted to enroll in Badminton class, but there aren't any,so I chose swimming(oh no!). I really want to learn how to swim, so I thought it was ok. Everything was ok, at first.
As classes begun, I realized I was the only one who doesn't know how to swim(too bad). Add to it, I'm a slow learner when it comes to sports. And now, as the semester is nearing its end, I'm facing a bad situation. I don't much about the strokes, and I don't think I can swim the length of Sarabia's swimming pool for 4 times, without stopping at the middle. Oops! Now I really smell danger. It's either I get a 5 or an INC. Either way, it won't be nice for me:(
Oh God! Please help me! I really need to pass this Swimming class of mine:(