Defying Status Quo

7:50:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

What happens when Miss I-get-all-I-want-I-am-the-rule-here meets Little Miss Hardheaded-I-don't-care-if-i'm-a-Dork? The answer: RIOT. What I'm talking about? Its the movie Sidney White. I guess it's a little inspired by Snow White. In the movie, Sidney moves to college and tries to follow her mom's footsteps as she tries to become a part of the Kappa Phi Nu, a sorority her mother was once a member of. A twist of events sent her to the Vortex, a place for outsiders. There she meets her 7 Dorks. As the film progress, she made the 7 Dorks run for the Student Council, under the banner of Freedom to the 7th power, in the hopes of changing their current unfortunate situations and changing status quo.


The movie tells us not to settle for something just because society dictates us. It encourages us to stand up and fight for what we believe in. When the society has mocked you just because you're different, you've got to stop hiding and putting yourself down. Being different is not really a bad thing. Letting society treat you like you're a good for nothing one when in fact you've got a lot to say, that my friend, is the bad thing. Just because there's no one like you in the society, doesn't mean that you've got to exclude yourself from it. It doesn't mean you've got no right to be respected. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves to be respected. 

What really captured my heart was the fact that someone was willing to stand up in behalf of the oppressed and powerless people. Because of that someone, the school realized what they have been missing. That someone made the difference. She dared to stand against the powerful Miss I-get-all-I-want-I-am-the-rule-here. She dared to step out of her own little world. She dared to break free from the norms that have been limiting her freedom. She dared to defy the status quo. And because of that, things started to change. Those 7 dorks found confidence. The rest of the school not only found confidence, but also, love and voice. 

Another thing which stood out for me, although it always has been pretty much a given, is that cheaters never win. They might think they've got what they want, but eventually, all their plan backfires to them. Simply stated, the rule of karma applies.

To end this, I'll live you a line from the movie which was delivere by Sidney White as part of her speech:

"Before, All I wanted was to fit in. But I've learned that we're all searching to fit in and we...all feel like outsiders and we all do things and feel things that are bizarre and unconventional and dorky."