You are my sun. Though you are miles away from me, I can still feel your warmth, love and presence. You are my source of light, for your radiance shine upon me, always showing me the right way. You are my source of hope and inspiration, for you always remind me that after the darkness, the sun will rise and a new day will begin. You are my source of life, for without you, I wouldn't be here in this world.
Happy Father's Day to the Best DAD in the world. Thank you for everything. I love you so much. Sorry for not being the world's best daughter. I know I have failed you a lot of times. But whatever happens, you always stood by me.
-This was the text message I sent my dad this father's day. This is perhaps the most personal message I have given him. I wrote this myself, which is unlike the messages I sent him the past years. Yes, I do write a lot of stuffs, but this is actually the first time I sent him a message that I wrote myself.
To all the fathers out there, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! Enjoy your day!:)
And of course, we shouldn't forget the FATHER OF ALL FATHERS, our Almighty Father, this is also his day! So... HAPPY FATHER'S DAY PAPA GOD!!!:))