Books, Books, and More Books

7:09:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

RETROSCI gave me a book for a birthday present. I bought myself a book for a birthday present. I bought another book on the same day. Yesterday I bought two more books. And now, I'm broke. I finished reading Big  Girl, which Retrosci gave me and I'm in Chapter 9 of John Grisham's The Confession. I said I'm gonna read it after my Law exam but I got depressed yesterday by my 114.1 exam so I started reading it...and now I can't bring myself to stop reading it. 

Books I've Read.

Books I still have to read.

This book madness is kinda making me broke. But I just can't help myself to stop reading and buying books. I've always love reading and it makes me feel better. I makes me learn many things, explore my imagination and enrich my vocabulary.