Unplanned Break Away

2:28:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Some things come when you least expect it.
Just like love. Or it can be more simple, like happiness. 

The past week was a 114.1 week. It's a week full of pressures and fears, and for some, sleepless nights. It's our second long exam and it's a determinant for our destiny for the next 2 or 3 years of our lives. Since we don't have class last Wednesday and Thursday, most of my classmates spent it studying. As for me? Most of those vacant time, I spent sleeping, facing my laptop, designing my wall and doing nothing productive. Thursday came and when I was finally starting to study, I got a call from my high school friends. They want me to come to CPU. I declined the offer, so they gave me another offer. They said they'd visit me in my dorm instead. I thought they're just joking. Then I got another call from them saying they're in UP and they asked me the directions to my dorm. Gosh. I couldn't reject them and say I got other priorities. So I went out with them, and my pocket didn't like it. I gave them a late birthday treat. I'm glad we didn't end up in some fancy restaurant coz I won't have money for the rest of the week. Anyways, I enjoyed their company, just like before. With or without gift, I still love them.

When I'm with my high school friends, I feel like I'm in a whole different world or atmosphere. When I'm with them I can be the immature girl that I am, without fearing the thought of being laughed at or criticized. When I'm with them, I just feel better. Planned or unplanned, being with them makes me want to go back to high school and never leave my comfort zone. This sort of things makes me miss them more. I miss the way we call each other different funny names, the way we'd make our math assignment on other teacher's period, eating our lunch on recces time, visiting the chapel once a day, hearing first friday masses, having processions which I used to hate, wearing those long sleeves uniforms...and the list goes on and on. I just miss them. Everything about them.

This coming Wednesday, I'm not looking forward to the cheering in Miag-ao but to spending another bonding time with my highschool friends. I definitely hope there wont be any change of plans.