1st Paragraph of Chapter 18

12:14:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

I finally turned legal last August 5. It's a special day since it's my 18Th birthday but there really wasn't any grand celebration. I just spent the day with my loved ones and friends. I didn't had a debut but my friends and family never failed to make the occasion more special by greeting me. My family even prepared a surprise for me. It's not much, but I enjoyed it. Of course, it rained. My birthday won't really be complete without it. I see it like a blessing from God. 

Donna made this for me and posted it in our room's wall.
When I got home, I wondered why the lights were off. When I entered the house, the only light was coming from the candles on my cake. I didn't really expected to have a cake on my birthday. A simple spaghetti by my mom would suffice. My hair is such a mess since I just got off the bus.

Instead of getting 18 red roses, I had 3 anthuriums. Haha.

When I got back to Iloilo on Sunday, I had dinner with my roommates, Nadin and Donna. We had been deciding where to spend my birthday celebration since last year. We thought of eating at Hamada, Steps of Rome, and to Greenwich with an 18 inches pizza. We declined those choices and thought of Crave Burgers since I'm really craving for it, but in the spur of the moment, we found ourselves on the doorsteps of Joey Pepperoni Pizzeria. While waiting for our foods, Nadin and Donna surprised me by giving 3 gifts: one from each of them and one from my beloved Retrosci Family. I thought they just brought their bags to keep their other belongings, but it turned out, it was intended to keep the gifts. 

Donna and Nadin really put effort in wrapping my gift. They wrapped it in 18 layers of gift wrappers. Just imagine the scene and mess I created. haha.
Eiffel Tower gifts from Nadin and Donna:)
Retrosci's gift. I already finished reading it:)
This is what we ate. I love the pizza but I love the dessert more. We even had a free dessert because its my birthday.
Oh. The owner of our dorm also gave me an ice cream. Aside from the gift I received from my friends, I also had gifts from my family. One of my aunts even gave me 2 one liter of coke. Haha.

This is from my mom. My friends call it 'Cinderella Shoes'. 
This is from my father and brother.

I really had fun with my 18th birthday celebration. I am so blessed to have those people around me. I couldn't imagine how my life would be without them.

This is just the start of Chapter 18 of my life, and the celebration is just the first paragraph. I still had many paragraphs to form...and many Chapters to start. So off I go now and make new sentences. See you next time!:)