Musically Inclined

11:29:00 AM ivannejuare 1 Comments

I love music. I love songs. I love seeing people play instruments. I would love to play too... but I don't know how:( I'd like to compose songs and put melodies to it. I'd like to see people listening to my music. But I don't think that would ever happen coz I don't know how to play any instruments. I wished my parents would have enrolled me to a summer class in playing an instrument, but unfortunately, my summer was never really been exciting. Had I have the money to enroll myself in a class, these are the top 3 instruments I would really love to play:

On No. 3: Guitar

On No. 2: Piano

On No. 1: VIOLIN!

For whatever reason, I just love hearing the sound of violins and seeing people play it. 

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