On Being Numb

11:38:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

How can somebody say you're NUMB? Does it count when you don't have that ticklish feeling when somebody tickles you? Or perhaps, being not angry when people make so much fun of you? Well, I guess, that won't be enough to say that somebody is numb.

I hate it when people say I'm numb. Coz in reality, i'm way TOO sensitive. I'm not just so vocal and showy about it. I don't really want to make a big fuss out of it. And people are not just observant of me. They laugh at me, I laugh with them. They say something bad about me, I ignore them. That's not being numb and it doesn't mean I feel nothing. I do feel. I feel happy, sad, nervous, angry and pissed off. But sometimes, there are things I can't really handle. And that's the point where they would see a different me. I bet you they wouldn't like to see that. In my stay in UP, things hadn't gone that far. Luckily.