2 Days of Exceeding Normal Capacity

8:53:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Studying for the CPA board exam ain't a walk in the park. So we decided to give ourselves a break. And what better way to release all the accumulated stress and pressures for the past months than to stress eat. Actually, it's more like a combination of stress eating and my birthday celebration. And because of certain circumstances, we had to celebrate my birthday twice. And I swear I've never eaten that much in my whole life. haha.

Pre-birthday Lunch Date at Buffet 101 at MOA 
This had been planned during our OJT days. Sadly though, of the Room 1001 B*tches who planned this food trip, only three of us made it to this heavenly place. Donna, Jessel and I made sure we make the most of our Php700. The food was just so delicious and mouth watering I couldn't help myself from trying almost every menu. Well, I guess, I've eaten a week's worth of food. haha. 

Birthday Celebration at IMAC
And just when I thought we had our stomachs full from the other day's food trip, we just couldn't say no to Amber's pancit malabon and cheese pichi-pichi. Jessel and Donna came up with some sort of surprise by handing out heart shaped cards/papers to people. Plus they gave me a yummy a Black Forest cake from Goldilocks. I just couldn't ask for better roommates.

Perhaps this year's celebration makes up for the epic fail of last year's birthday. Cheers to more food trips and more birthdays!


12:56:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Please don’t stay close
In love I might overdose
Make me believe you’re invisible
So I may no longer feel feeble.

Your angelic face will be ignored,
I won’t listen to my heart’s clamor,
I’ll look no more into those hypnotizing eyes
For it had caused me my demise.

Falling for you was easy
But I didn’t know it could be this messy
Now this heart that’s shattered
Leaves me no option but to shudder.

Memories of you make just one sense                         
It reminds me that I’ve become so dense
How could I have held on for so long?
When I knew from the start that to me you won’t belong

I find no comfort in your smile
Coz soon you’d walk with her on the aisle
So I’d better let go of you
And this feeling that is already overdue.

It haven’t been that long,
Aware that I am not that strong,
I only ask of you to do what I please
From this haunting feeling let me be released.

Time has come for delusions to end
And for this wretched heart to mend
Having to stop loving you is hard
So I’m asking you not to distract me while I’m on guard.

One wrong move on my part
Will lead to you re-owning my heart
Coz I am just a neophyte in this art
And the scar you gave me left an indelible mark.

Overtime with Kuroko no Basuke

3:17:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

I think it's a given that I am a huge fan of anime and basketball. If you would ask me to enumerate all the anime I watched and their plot, all anime characters, basketball players whether local or abroad, my brain would probably function faster to give me answers as compared to when I'm solving an accounting problem. I don't know how or when I started getting addicted to basketball. All I know is that I enjoy watching it and I have favorite teams, favorite players and I even bet with my brother to see who wins this and that. Pretty unusual for a girl, right?So what happens when anime and basketball combines? Oh, that would be heaven. haha.

Kuroko no Basuke, sometimes translated as the Basketball That Kuroko Plays, is an anime about a high school team named Seirin, trying to make it to the national tournament. The plot is specifically centered on how Kuroko, the Phantom Sixth Man of a group of prodigies known as Generation of Miracles, and his new light, Kagami, helps bring Seirin to the top, amidst playing against the Generation of Miracles and other talented teams. Given that basketball is the anime's focal point, people kept comparing it to Slamdunk. They say Kuroko no Basuke is unrealistic and though I agree that there are indeed many times when the moves and happenings are unrealistic, I think it adds to the beauty of the plot/story. The games are way too thrilling and I feel like I'm really watching basketball and I can't help but watch and watch the next episodes until there's none left.

My favorite character would obviously be Tetsuya Kuroku. He is Seirin's trump card, who specializes in passing and misdirection. When you look at him, you'll probably say that he is some weak little boy. Well, he doesn't really have that much of an athletic prowess but he makes up for it through hard work and his never-say-die attitude. He has good control over his emotions as he is seen to be always calm. I like Kuroko because he works selflessly for the team. I also like him because he is well aware of his limitations but he still makes his best to help Seirin win the tournaments. Also, I admire his passion for basketball and I think basically everything about him is interesting. haha.

Second in line as my favorite character in this anime would be Aomine. At first I don't like him because he's so full of himself. But as the series progressed, I came to love his way of playing basketball. He is a free spirit. His moves are way too unconventional and one might probably think it is impossible for someone to make those shots. He wouldn't be called the ace of the Generation of Miracles for no reason, won't he? He used to be Kuroko's light but due to Aomine always thinking that no one can ever beat him, except himself, things changed between him and Kuroko. Also, I like Aomine because he's name is derived from Aoi, which means blue. Pretty shallow of me, don't you think?

 I also like Kise and Midorima, though I can't tell which one I like more. Kise has the ability to copy the movements of other players. Of all the Generation of Miracles, Kise is the friendliest. Midorima, on the other hand, is the three-point specialist among the prodigies. I find it weird that he tapes his fingers and brings lucky items even when he can win just by his abilities.

The members of Seirin are all amazing, especially Kiyoshi who is on his last year of playing basketball and is one of the Uncrowned Kings, Hyuga who never misses a shot on clutch times and Izuki who has the Eagle Eye. 

Due to the urgency of studying for the board exams, I would have to stop watching Kuroko no Basuke. I would miss the games but at least I wouldn't be left hanging each week, praying for the next episode to come earlier.

Ang Pinakamasayang PagSABLAY

9:52:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Sablay has always been synonymous to failure, except in UP. Sablay in UP always meant success after four, five or even more years of learning in and out of the grounds of the university. Sablay embodies the sleepless nights cramming for papers and exams, completing requirements barely in the nick of time, all the pressures, fears, and happiness of our college life, and the victory over teachers who are very generous or to those who gave students a ‘life threatening and changing’ experience. Most of all, sablay represents our triumph in pursuit of honor and excellence, as a student, an individual, a child, an iskolar ng bayan.

Graduation is a poignant event in every student’s life. It marks the end of years of journey with some of the most wonderful people we’ll ever meet in our entire lives and the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. It feels like it was just yesterday when were playing with our toys, started saying hellos to strangers who eventually became our very best friends, fell in and out of love. From this day forward, we will be playing with our destinies instead of robots and dolls, making decisions far more important than just what game to play. We will be standing on our own, earning for our own, living for our own and UP has prepared us for that.

I am proud to say that I made it out alive, after five years. I nearly got kicked out of the program in my third year, had an incomplete in PE (of all subjects), and almost had to retake a subject in my last semester in college because of a stupid mistake which would have delayed me for another year. Graduating with latin honors was the last thing on my mind when I set foot in UP. It was more like an icing on the cake for me. When I entered UP, I had no idea what my course was all about except that people kept telling me that accountancy are for people who love math.  All I wanted was to get away from home and feel a little freer from the scrutiny and pressure of my parents. Passing UPCAT provided me that escape. I was feeling a little confident about myself considering that I was our class salutatorian in high school and then I realized, everyone in UP is about the same as I am, or even better. I entered the lion’s den without even knowing where I was headed to and running will only make it worse, so why not face the lion?

I dedicate this big feat of mine to my family, most especially to my father who I would have wanted so badly to award me that medal for being a laude but was not able to attend my graduation. I wouldn’t have come this far without your guidance and support. I hope this enough to compensate for all that you have given me. I terribly apologize for not being the perfect daughter that you would have wanted and for not completing my PE in time which was the reason why my grades won’t be credited as university and college scholars.

I also thank Sir Tope for letting me stay in the program and for believing in me and giving me a second chance. I won’t be able to prove to you that I was worthy of the second chance unless I pass the board exam so I will postpone sending you a letter of gratitude in the meantime. J

To all the teachers who imparted their knowledge to us, who pressured and terrorized us, who pushed us to be multitaskers and crammers, and who helped shaped who we are today, thank you.

To Scions 09, thank you for all the wonderful memories. This isn’t goodbye. We will all be seeing each other in the review and workplace so I don’t think I need to be sentimental today. Haha. Seriously though, you made the ride worthwhile and the burden a lot easier. I am honoured to belong to the best batch.

To the people who believed in me, your faith in me has pushed me to try a bit harder. Thank you!
And to the Almighty Father who patiently listened to my requests and complaints, who have given me more blessings that I deserve, and who stayed by my side even when I’ve been such an ungrateful child, I am nothing without you. I’ve got a long list of promises to you and I hope I can start fulfilling those.

Well, I guess this is the end of my college life. Another challenge awaits me – the CPA board exam. I hope and pray that we will be the first batch to have a 100% passing percentage.

2009-39693 is now signing off. Ako ngayo’y hayayo na upang itanghal ang giting at tapang ng isang Iskolar ng Bayan.

I Have Not The Slightest Idea What I’m Doing.

12:58:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

So I said sorry when I wasn’t the one at fault. I carried half of Atlas’ burden despite not being one of his acquaintances. And I let her have you even when you gave me the authority to own you.

Oftentimes I forgot that I can’t swim when I’m halfway free falling after jumping off a cliff. My survival instincts are buried deep down in my spoilt brain that I often take all the damage when I could have saved myself from all those scars.  That thing stuck inside my ribs that keeps me alive has taken all the critical hits that I doubt if I would ever live long enough to tell the difference between fight and flight.

I was this flimsy little girl you met when you were walking along the coast hoping a bottled message would wash ashore. I never really got to know the reason why you were looking for one because every time I asked you, you would tell me that you already found what you were looking for and make me taste your love through my lips.

You healed my wounds with your words and melodies, made me feel whole every time I feel my heart is being ripped out of my chest. You shine so bright whenever you are around that sometimes I need to close my eyes and be contented with just listening to your slow breathing. Perhaps that was the reason why you went on that little adventure of yours.

So I said sorry even when I got cheated on. Said I’m sorry when I shouldn’t be the one apologizing. And I said sorry for letting you go, even when I needed you so much that I could have died when you heeded my command. But then, she needs you more, her and that growing creature taking shelter inside her belly. So I said sorry for not fighting for you, for us. I said sorry for lacking the strength for another war because I wasted all I had over twaddle battles.  I said sorry because I can’t be selfish. And so I whispered my apologies for letting the fool in me take control and let go of the only reason I have to wake up every sunrise, to believe that there exist one person perfectly carved to fit the hollow spaces in our souls.  

When You’re Done Making a Canvass Out of Your Face

12:57:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

You spent hours time and time again painting your lips red and dyeing your cheeks pink. You mask your blue eyes believing that it is an anomaly in a sea of black irises. The universe never had a chance to see you in your simplest form for you have kept it prisoner in the musty corners of your dimly lit bedroom.

When you were eight, you loved wearing loose shirts, jeans and snickers. You play and never mind that you got your favourite blue rubber shoes dirty or that you are a walking mess. You thought, even with all those dirt, that you are pretty. You are. Still is.

A knife is buried under your pillow. You got tired counting how many times it has kissed your pale skin or the litters of blood you could have used to save the life of some random stranger. You curse those scars in your wrist for they remind you of your failed attempts at eternal rest. You hate yourself for being so ordinary, when in actuality you are a limited edition.

You are beautiful and you need not beg for him to tell you that you are. You have always been exquisite but you let others think that you are some nuisance, a burden the world needs to get rid of. My dearest, you are no scrap, not even a by product of something more majestic. You are pretty just as you are, even with the flaws you try so badly to conceal. You are an artwork deserving to be an exhibit’s pride and joy. You are God’s masterpiece. Never for once doubt that. 

Reunion Version 1

1:23:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Friendship, in its truest form, is never affected by distance or time, for it is measured in the heart. Sometimes, you don't keep in touch with each other for decades and yet when you see each other, everything just fall in their proper places. You talk and talk and it may seem that no time had passed since you last saw each other. Sometimes, it is the distance and time that will tell you who your true friends are. 

Due to the last minute plan of having a reunion, not everyone was able to attend. Zane, Felix and I watched the movie Diary ng Panget while waiting for the others to arrive. The movie was really fun, though I was a bit disappointed that most scenes were sort of in a fast forward manner and that it did not stick that much to the original wattpad story that it was based on . After the movie, we just did a lot of talking and laughing and reminiscing. 
Muling Ibalik moments. ayieee :)
Selfie while crossing the road. Yeah, we're awesome like that. 

We do enjoy taking pictures in the middle of the street, don't we?

On the 27th, we will be having our reunion version 2 and I'm hoping it will push through and that everyone will come. It would be a lot more fun when the whole IV-SD will be there. 

I am not Ms. Congeniality. I don't have tons of friends here and there. All I have is this little bunch of people who accepts me for who I am, believes in me, and I know will always be there even if we may not see each other that often.  Perhaps,it's the little things that counts, that really matters. Just like friendship. It ain't something so big and majestic. It's a million things combined that makes a huge impact in our lives. 

Skousen and Proud!

2:40:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Somebody said, "Good things can come from unexpected things." You, my dear Blue Bloods, are one of the most unexpected things that has happened in my life. Unexpected, but definitely one of the best parts of my college life.

At first, I don't get why I became a Skousen. Me, perfectionist? Uh, oh. I don't think so. Hardworking? My friends say so. But probably, it was the color blue that lured me in the house. After all, I really don't have the option of changing house, don't I? So eventually, I came to love the house. It was a long process, but nevertheless, but nevertheless, I regret not a second that I belong to the house of Skousen.

I've only been active in the house in my last year in college, so I basically don't know a lot of people. At first I thought that I would feel out of place, but never for one moment felt that I am. Skousen was like a home. No pressures, all fun. I'm just glad I got to spend my last year with you. It was a year full of fun, of firsts, and lasts. A year full of memories worth replaying, even when I'm out of the UP grounds.

During the acquaintance party.
The Initiation.

A Blue Christmas with the Blue Bloods
This year's GARA will be the most memorable of all. I played balloon chase for the first time. Lead the house, at a last minute decision and without any plans at all. I was so happy with how well we fared with the cute games, considering the lack of manpower. 

I’m a fan of basketball, not of football. I have no idea what the rules are. But for the first time in my life, and probably the last, and before I graduate from college, I was able to play football for the love of Skousen. It was unexpectedly fun. I kicked the ball, ran after it, got called for handball twice, fell to the ground, got my snicker dirty. It was all worth it, I must say. 
Kudos to Alvin aka The Legal Wife for a very wonderful and epic performance!

For the love of Skousen, my birthday got ruined, played balloon chase and football for the first time, even appeared in the house video, acting a role so opposite from my real persona (I really don't know how to act), added more than 70 people on my contacts and sent them more 10 messages all within a day that got my sim temporarily blocked and tapped (begged) people to join this and that even when I barely know them. But it was all worth it. We didn't lose in GARA for the 3rd straight year and lost in the overall house cup by a mere hundred. It wasn't that bad after all when you look back and see how much closer we all got.

During Super Seniors' Night 2014: I blurted "What the fuck is this?!" while I was on stage. haha. Pardon me if I was shocked when I tasted the alcoholic drink. I don't drink, after all. 
Tributes from JPIA. I soo love the money thingy. :)
From Skousen! I love the pillow and what's written on it!
During the Skousen Tribute.

You asked me if given a chance, would I change my house. Ask me now, tomorrow, next week, or years later, my answer will still be the same. I WOULDN'T TRADE SKOUSEN FOR ANY OTHER HOUSE. I'm a Skousen, through and through. I belong to the LEGENDARY HOUSE OF SKOUSEN and I am proud of it!

Credits: UPV JPIA for the photos and Kervin Quieta for the video :)

Corregidor: The Color of Autumn, The Scent of Summer

4:40:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Corregidor was my favorite part of the field trip. The island was just so scenic and peaceful, despite the fact that it had seen the blood sheds of wars. The island was the color of autumn and the scent of summer. The trees and the ambiance felt like I was someplace else, outside the country, experiencing fall for the first time. The sea and the waves gave out a summery effect to the place. The half day wait to ride the ferry to the island was all worth it after seeing only the port.

Does it look like we're still in the Philippines? haha
The island was full of ruins and canyons everywhere, which reminded me of how things were in the past. It just made me thankful that we are not experiencing what they had to go through before. With the wars, and the bombs and people fighting for their lives and for the country, you just can’t help but secretly thank that you are living in a peaceful era.
What is left of what used to be barracks

The island's shape according to our guide, Uncle Bob, was that of tadpole. Uncle Bob, by the way happened to found the burial site of Japanese soldiers. At first I thought he was joking, but in our next stop, we saw the proof that he really did found it. It was just amazing to be in the company of such a great man. Though he was credited for the discovery, he received not a penny from it from either the Philippine or Japanese government.

The Filipino American Friendship Statue
The Eternal Flame of Freedom

An old cannon, overlooking the sea. Oh, how peaceful it looks now!
It's almost sunset and the aura of autumn just got stronger :)

My beloved Scions 09.
I shall return. - Gen. MacArthur
Me and my roommates who cramped ourselves in a room good for five because we just so love each other. haha. Did I mention that we're 9 in the room? Yeah, we're awesome like that! :)
The Malinta Tunnel.
Our last stop was the Malinta Tunnel. We experienced the lights & sounds and sculptural show. It was my first time to be in a tunnel, and given the fact that it had been a hiding place during the war, I expected to have goosebumps. Good thing though, the running and fast tracked show kept me too occupied to notice anything out of the ordinary. The show was good and like the lights and sound show in Luneta, it was made possible by the efforts of the highly esteemed National Artists.  Perhaps, it was their way of making people pay attention to and appreciate our history, without the typical boring and sleepy lectures in history classes.
I was glad that Corregidor and its beauty are preserved. It still had that historic feel even after all the years that had passed. To me, the whole island felt like a museum, rich in history and stories to tell.

Credits: Thanks for Elmark, Lecza and Jessel for the pictures of me and the rest of the group, as well as the Malinta Tunnel and MacArthur :)