8th MYC @ Boracay

11:37:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

What comes first into your mind when you think of Boracay? Instantly, the words ‘beach’, ‘tourist’, ‘party’, ‘adventure’ and ‘travel’ may pop out. Never would you associate ‘hiking’ and ‘mountain’ to Boracay. If we share the same sentiments, then surely you would be amazed and surprised, or even disappointed, if you were in my shoes the moment we reached our venue for the 8th Mid Year Convention which was held last October 18-20.

The 8th MYC is held at Zoe Mei Resort which they say is part of Station 1, unfortunately, it is way too far from the center of the island. The resort is situated in the mountainous part of Boracay, needless to say, some refer to it as the back beach, and transportation is pretty hard to find in that part of the island. If you were to book in Zoe Mei, I say, prepare enough money for your transportation, especially if you want to go wandering and partying.

Zoe Mei Beach Resort

Area for Quiz Bees

Where the AOG is held

We've got to walk these road on our last day in Boracay for we are too desperate to  reach D'Mall.

The only consolation we had from our stay in Zoe Mei is the  view of the beach from the balcony.

A closer look of the beach from the balcony.

Zoe Mei Also offers other stuffs for the adventure seekers. Here's one. The Zorb.

In my opinion, the 8th MYC is not a success. I personally don’t enjoy it. I thought I would learn something from it, but turned out, activities were just quiz bees and search for the AOG. I’m not the only one who has negative thoughts about the convention. Almost everyone complains about nearly anything regarding the convention: From the food, to the services of the resort, the activities and the inefficiency of the organizers and officers. Overall, I am totally disappointed in my stay in Zoe Mei and the 8th MYC.

If there are negative side to the story, surely there would be a positive side to it. In this case, instead of gaining knowledge relating to the field of accountancy, I gained friends and learned how to play ‘pusoy dos’, which happened to be the past time of my roommates. Also, since the activities are not worthwhile and attendance is not compulsory, we had time to wander. Donna, Elecza and I made the most out of our stay in Boracay by strolling in D’ Mall, D’ Talipapa, and the rest of Station 2. Mostly, we just ate and ate and ate. I will share our food adventures in my next post. Meanwhile, here are some photos during are stay in Boracay...

With the turn of events, it seems that I came to Boracay not for the MYC but to wander and have fun!