Start the Sembreak Right!

11:09:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

What's a better way to start a vacation that having fun with your best buds?

It was originally a Block Semender party but turned out to be a party for everyone. It was so fun that I barely realized how much my body would hurt when the day ends. Last year, I had a semender with an aching body because of an amazing race. This year, I went home with an aching body and memories that would forever be kept in my heart and mind. 

This is where we spent a day of fun.

The pool looks enticing but only a few dared to give in to the temptation.

Its Lunch time!

The reason behind why our body and stomach hurt: Card Games! Shane was basically the one who introduced us to those games which consumed our time. We played the Mafia/Liar/Bullshit Game. She also taught us this game where each player is assigned a respective character or kind or classification of something and when two players have the same card number, they would have to identify the assigned character for each other. The one who identify the other's name first is the winner. However, the main star of the day is the 123 Pass game! 

The player who lose will be penalized. But I seem to be enjoying my penalty, huh?

I hope we have more fun-filled semenders and more memories to come. Cheers to Retrosci! To a lifelong friendship and fun!

Credits: Francine Joyce Payofelin and Lizette Kaye Estillore

Longest Rally of My Life

8:25:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

I can feel my heart pounding heavily against my chest. Suddenly, silence fell like a deadly bomb. All at once, my attention shifted to that most important bird flying towards me. The shuttle is now in the air, as the rule suggest, I should receive it. Not unless, I entered this game just to lose. I’ve got to give all I have to hit that shuttle. I can’t lose. Not again.

I’ve played this game before. I lost track of how many games have I played but I knew I had my fair share of victory and defeat. This time, this game means much more. It’s a recreation game no more. Just one game, but it feels like it’s a matter of life and death. I need to keep my head in the game, especially if I don’t want history repeating again.

This time I know so much better. I have learned my lesson well enough. Every hit should count. Every rally should be mine. Every opportunity should be seized. That was my fault before...letting opportunity drift away, until it sunk to the bottom of the sea. This time will be different. I kept myself motivated with that.

My opponent’s not giving in. Perhaps we have the same goal in mind. No matter what, I should prevail. How many times have I returned that shuttle? How minutes have it been in play? How come it feels like this rally is going on forever? My legs are failing me. I’m almost out of breath. This rally should stop. Not later but NOW. This rally is really taking much of my time. My life can’t just revolve around this game forever. I’ve got better things to do, deadlines to meet. I don’t have the liberty to stay in this game eternally.

Now, the shuttle is going towards my direction. I know what to do. This has to stop now. With all my might, with everything that’s left in me, I returned it to my opponent, hoping this will be the last hit for this rally. Yet my victory in not yet ascertained. The lines men are still in doubt as to whether the shuttle fell inbound or not. And just like that, after all the hard work, I will sit here, waiting for the final verdict to be released. 

Once Upon A Time

8:00:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

What happens you put all those fairy tale characters you grew up with in one show? One word. It's MAGIC.

Once Upon A Time is a series that revolve around Emma Swan, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who was sent away as a child to save the Enchanted Forest from the curse of the evil queen. For 28 years, she lived a normal life, until she came to Storybrooke, the place where all the fairy tale characters are, but they don't really remember who they are. Henry, Emma's son is the only person, other than Regina and Mr. Gold, who know this secret. Unfortunately, nobody believes him. Henry, together with his story book, will serve as the link to connect the Enchanted Forest (past world) and Storybrooke (present world).

How the script writers played with the different fairytale characters  to form one story is just so brilliant. I love the connections between the characters, how they added a modern twist to the fairytale stories that had been passed from one generation to another. The series is now on its second season and hopefully I get to watch the new episodes this sembreak!

Defying Status Quo

7:50:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

What happens when Miss I-get-all-I-want-I-am-the-rule-here meets Little Miss Hardheaded-I-don't-care-if-i'm-a-Dork? The answer: RIOT. What I'm talking about? Its the movie Sidney White. I guess it's a little inspired by Snow White. In the movie, Sidney moves to college and tries to follow her mom's footsteps as she tries to become a part of the Kappa Phi Nu, a sorority her mother was once a member of. A twist of events sent her to the Vortex, a place for outsiders. There she meets her 7 Dorks. As the film progress, she made the 7 Dorks run for the Student Council, under the banner of Freedom to the 7th power, in the hopes of changing their current unfortunate situations and changing status quo.


The movie tells us not to settle for something just because society dictates us. It encourages us to stand up and fight for what we believe in. When the society has mocked you just because you're different, you've got to stop hiding and putting yourself down. Being different is not really a bad thing. Letting society treat you like you're a good for nothing one when in fact you've got a lot to say, that my friend, is the bad thing. Just because there's no one like you in the society, doesn't mean that you've got to exclude yourself from it. It doesn't mean you've got no right to be respected. Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves to be respected. 

What really captured my heart was the fact that someone was willing to stand up in behalf of the oppressed and powerless people. Because of that someone, the school realized what they have been missing. That someone made the difference. She dared to stand against the powerful Miss I-get-all-I-want-I-am-the-rule-here. She dared to step out of her own little world. She dared to break free from the norms that have been limiting her freedom. She dared to defy the status quo. And because of that, things started to change. Those 7 dorks found confidence. The rest of the school not only found confidence, but also, love and voice. 

Another thing which stood out for me, although it always has been pretty much a given, is that cheaters never win. They might think they've got what they want, but eventually, all their plan backfires to them. Simply stated, the rule of karma applies.

To end this, I'll live you a line from the movie which was delivere by Sidney White as part of her speech:

"Before, All I wanted was to fit in. But I've learned that we're all searching to fit in and we...all feel like outsiders and we all do things and feel things that are bizarre and unconventional and dorky."

Taken Again

8:20:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Liam Neeson is back in Taken 2. This time his daughter is not the damsel in distress, but his wife. After the incidents in Taken, revenge could not be avoided. And so the normal life of his family is once again in danger. 

I've watched Taken because it is highly recommended by one of my friends. Taken was really an amazing film. No wonder why it became such a box office. The suspense, action and every part of that movie was just awesome that you can't help but love it. Taken 2 has the advantage of the first film's popularity but its main disadvantage lies in being compared to the first film. 

I've watched Taken 2 with my friends. Let's say its part of enjoying the sembreak. Although the film have high sales, I'd agree with it critics that it doesn't surpass, or even come close to the first film. In my opinion, it lacks that hint of suspense or thrill and action that the first film does. Taken mostly featured Bryan Mills' ability and skills whereas in Taken 2, there was just not much of it. I'd say it wasn't that spectacular. My friend would say it was just another action film.

There are still some positive vibe to the film though. This time, Kim Mills is involved in saving her parents and I must say she's too good for a nonlicensed driver. Also, there was a point in the film where Bryan Mills gave his enemy the option of walking out alive or dead. Although the enemy made the choice of ending his life, I like how Bryan Mills said that he's getting tired of it all and just left the gun and walked away in the hopes of putting an end to this vengeance cycle. 

Taken 2 failed my expectations but at least it succeeded in making me relax and I had fun with my friends.:)

Kiss Hell Goodbye

6:47:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

After a month of absence, I'm finally back! The past month had not been very good to us. One exam after another. Reports after reports. Readings here and there. There's just not enough time to sit back ant be engulfed by your thoughts. Plus, I made a promise not to blog until the semester is over. After being pressured and tortured continually for months, at last, we can now enjoy 3 weeks of happiness. 

My sembreak officially started yesterday as I finished taking my final exam for this semester. I'm just so excited to have a rest and do whatever I wanted to do: letting time pass by without worrying about the lessons I still have to study. In just 2 days, I was able to watch 5 movies! Yes, FIVE. I bet my laptop's secretly complaining about being overused. Well, I watched 4 in my laptop and went to the cinema to watch the other one. I just felt like spending an extra penny to pamper myself. In addition, I did a little catching up with some anime episodes. I slept at 5 in the morning and woke up at 10. It doesn't sound like I'm having all the sleep in the world, but sleep isn't really on top of my priority list now. Anyhow, I'd be posting a little later about the movies i watched and just some random stuffs.

I'm really looking forward to this sembreak. One because of the Mid Year Convention next week. Another because at last I could read the novels I should have read last summer. Plus, I've got movies waiting in line. And ultimately, the supposed-to-be Block Semender Party which actually eventually turned out to be the semender party of the whole batch 2009 accountancy students. So with all these in line, I say why not take a breath? Relax! Have Fun! and kiss hell goodbye!