Coz We are the BEST

3:13:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

 "Daug kami! Walk out kamu!"

That was our cry on that fateful night when the powers of the universe conspired to make us the Overall Best Batch for the College of Management’s 30th Foundation Year Celebration. Hoorah! We finally won. We are no longer the second rate trying hard batch. We are no longer in the shadows of our manangs and manongs. We WON!

The CM 30th Foundation Year Celebration was a 4 daylong event composing of events such as the sports, the play festival and modelling. We won overall for the non CMPF events. We won many awards for the play, but perhaps, the actual performance came up short (this is just my opinion). I wasn’t able to watch the plays though. For 2 years, we always ranked second, just next to the 5th years, for the play, but this year we were not included in the top 3. Oh well, that’s ok.

And for the modelling?! We won 3rd place!!! Yahoo! There’s actually some issue concerning the results. On the 1st announcement we weren’t included in the top3. Good thing the night wasn’t over when they realized they made some mistake. But the final results really hurt the ego of batch 2010 that were first called the champions, when in reality they’ve actually lost. That must have made them really upset for them to walk out, which I think is really rude.  Moving on with that issue, I’m just so happy that the efforts of our block paid off. This year we were assigned to the Modelling Committee, along with Greenade (who obviously was a NO SHOW). The designs were good. The theme was nice. I guess something’s wrong with the choreography (sorry) and the complicated design. The models were kinda lost. Perhaps it’s because they haven’t had a blocking in actual venue. Anyways, just in case I got low scores in my upcoming 114 exam, at least I can say that it was all worth it.

The other batches.
Our Star Models, Cleo and Osmond. Osmond won as the best male star model:)

The rest of the T9 models. 
We all had a blast but Tyempo Nuebo were in really high spirits! This is our first time to win the overall  and definitely not the last time. GO T9!