A Taste of Luxury in Boracay

3:46:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

When you’ve been deprived of happiness, at times you best resort is food. Anything that could satisfy your cravings would suffice. However, at times, you really can’t satisfy you cravings because of monetary constraints and it could lead you even more to the depths of depressions. Sometimes, you just can’t help but have a taste of luxury, even though you knew perfectly well that it will leave you broke at the end of the day. This is exactly what I experienced in my stay in Boracay.

During the first night in Boracay, together with some fifth years, we went to D’ Mall at 11 pm and went back to the resort 2 am. Some went home tipsy, while some went home, heavy stomached and tired. It was Donna’s birthday so we coerced her to give us a treat. Well, she did, unfortunately, I forgot the name of the restaurant and I was shy to take pictures because we were eating with a different set of people. Anyways, it’s a pity I forgot what restaurant it was, because they serve really delicious food and it was worth the money you paid for it. The restaurant serves mostly Mexican food.

The 2nd day was Ice cream day! Our first stop is Crazy Crepes! Obviously, we had a crepe. That is blueberry for me and Donna, and raspberry for Lecza and to top it off, we had a hazelnut crunch. 

With the hot weather, we can’t seem to get enough of ice creams. We then headed to Don Vito Restorante Italiano and had blueberry cheesecake and ferrero flavoured gelatos. It tastes so awesome. Had I known that the blueberry cheesecake was to die for, I would have insisted on getting two scoops of it. 

They've got plenty wines. That was perhaps the most wines I'll ever see in my entire life. 

For the 3rd day, the original plan was to experience the banana boat. However, Donna and I had some jitters and ended up convincing Lecza to switch plans. She’s so depressed that Donna and I insisted that we treat her to a fancy restaurant. The last day in Boracay was definitely not that good because we ended up hiking just to get out of the resort. Luckily, one of our classmate, saw how desperate we were to get to D’Mall so he gave us a ride. We were supposed to eat a Japanese restaurant but it won’t be open til 11 am,but since we were under time constraints, we had to move to out next option, which happened to be a Korean restaurant. Here's my first try at korean food.

The name of the restaurant is Hae Maru,

My first time to eat kimchi and it's only for free!

What I also like about Hae maru is that is has an amazing view of the sea! :)

So that’s it for out food trip in Boracay! See you next timeJ