Date with Amnesty International and High School Buddies

4:22:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

Some things need to be done according to plan while some things are better left unplanned. Sometimes, those unforeseen events, those spur of the moment decisions, produces the most bizarre yet unforgettable outcomes.

The original plan was to watch movie together but we ended up having a fun ‘walk’ and flying of balloons together with Amnesty International (AI) – Iloilo. My friend Nica and former teacher, Sir Dennis, is part of this organization. They have been trying to recruit me to join the organization but I refused mainly because of school works and the fear of having to introduce the org to the rest of UPV. Anyways, Nica invited me and Felix to join them even for just one afternoon. I seriously have no idea what we are going to do there. Because it has been a long time since we got together, I agreed, notwithstanding the fact that we wanted Sir Dennis to give us a treat.

The event was the opening of the 16 Days of Activism of AI and was held at Esplanade. I knew little about the organization and I have no idea that there would be school representatives there. Although I wasn’t a member of AI, they never made me feel out of place. I even got to meet some students from other schools and got a chance to meet some UPV students from Miag-ao. Here’s the fun thing. UPV had the fewest number of attendees, mainly because it was just recently launched. When the parade begun, UPV only had two students around, me and Roy from Clovers. I was a little shy to approach him but I couldn’t let my fellow Isko to be left alone in that sea of people. The both of us ended holding the banner until his friend finally arrived. We have been walking for a few minutes when a child passerby laughed at us and sort of insulted us because of our number. I would have said something to that child, but since he was telling the truth and he’s still young, I just laughed at the reality. 

I can't help but take a picture of the setting. I just love the clouds.

My friend Nica, who is coordinator of AI for CPU.

The clouds began to darken as we wait for the walk to start.

Meet my friend Felix.

A few more minutes and walk will begin.

I know I do look like a mess.
Finally! Let the walk begin!

Isn't the view of the the sunset with your friends in it look spectacular?

Roy Dahildahil, UPV's coordinator, during the solidarity speech.

May these balloons bring our prayer to the heavens.

These balloons look like dots in the wide sky.

The event was fun, not only because it was my first time in Esplanade, but also because I got to bond and catch up with some of my high school friends. It’s just fun to be with them again. Sometimes, you feel nostalgic and miss them, and the memories you had back then. Sometimes you wish you could turn back time and make more memories with them. Someone more powerful may have planned for you to embark on new adventures but it does not mean that you should forget people from your past. Perhaps he’s giving us the opportunity to find new friends and at the same time learn to treasure the friendship that you have built over the years. The present and the future is important, but we should never forget that who we are today is a result of our interactions with people and experiences in the past. 

For more information about AI, visit their Facebook page.