Message Received

12:09:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

It was almost midnight when my phone beeped. My mind was set on the poem I just started writing.Clearly, I don’t want any disturbances but that sudden text message made my heart beat fast. Though I’m having second thoughts of reading the message,I cleared my mind and decided to open it.The message was from an unknown number.Without reading the message I would know who sent it.

It’s been like this for more than a year: An unknown number, a familiar text style…I couldn’t have mistaken it for somebody else.How could I? When I’ve grown so accustomed to it for so long. With all the oddness this world has to offer,I wouldn’t bother deciphering what you’re up to with that message. I shouldn’t care anymore since I’ve already moved on. Except that I wouldn’t be at peace unless I’ve done the opposite. What was on my mind when I sent you a message back? Just a moment ago I was reading my poems.Most of which are written with you on my mind.Time had passed but had never erased the memories of what we used to be.But that night was like chalk and cheese.You weren’t so keen on insisting your feelings for me.I should be happy about it.This is how I wanted things to be.

Promises are supposed to be broken. You’ve taught me to believe in that ideology. But how come you’re reversing things now?There’s really no need for you to keep those promises now,I don’t care if you’re in a relationship or perhaps wooing a girl.It doesn’t make sense why you have to tell me these things.I have moved on and I’m happy that were on parallel paths. After all, I should be affected. I can’t. And I won’t.

Just now I realized what you’re up to...You wanted to tell me that you’re completely over me.Message received! So from now on, let’s forget OUR story and for the second time, I’m taking an oath never to write you a poem ever again.