Cebu Tour Day 3: Jewelpico, Bigfoot, IAFT, and Gardenia

8:45:00 AM ivannejuare 0 Comments

First Stop: Breakfast Buffet
Pardon me if I can't remember the place where we had breakfast and for not taking any pictures. The breakfast was not something memorable as the food was nothing extraordinary. Also, I was busy thinking about our unfinished AIS paper which is due that afternoon.

Second Stop: Jewelpico
Jewelpico is a company that manufactures and export pearl products and stuffs. 

Thrid Stop:Bigfoot Studios
Call me ignorant, but this is actually the first time I have ever heard of Bigfoot, so it makes no impact to me or whatsoever that the Smallville Travel and Tours emphasized that we are so 'privileged' to have been granted the permission to tour the studio. 

A 20ft pool. Whoah. 

I couldn't get nicer photos because everywhere I go, my classmates just keep posing and flooding the frame. haha
Fourth Stop: International Academy of Film and Television (IAFT)
IAFT is a sister company of Bigfoot.

Fifth Stop: Dimsum House
The tour of the Bigfoot Studio took too much of our time that I barely enjoyed my lunch at the Dimsum House. To be honest, I cannot even recall the complete name of the buffet where we had our lunch. 

Sixth Stop: Gardenia
Due to time constraints (after Bigfoot has eaten all the time, haha) we had to shorten our tour in Gardenia :(

The aroma of fresh bread is so delectable. 

We took the plane to Kalibo and bus to Iloilo because our booking in the ship got canceled due to some stupid reasons and we wanted to watch the last HASA of our college life and support Arlan. The ceres bus was moving like turtle so we only got to watch the part where Ms. HASA 2013 is announced. Arlan was fourth though, so somehow the efforts we expensed in sharing ang liking his photo and support went not in vain.