To Ms. Who-Doesn't-Care-At-All
I've been busy doing and cramming for weeks now. But I am not alone. Good thing, I am with 2 hardworking people in a group. It made things a little better.
The reason for this cramming, and perhaps, why I'm writing this note is the DATABASE that we are designing as a part of a course requirement. I had slept late for this project, been absent in some of classes and didn't take my other subjects seriously. I know I'm no expert in this database thing. That's why I need all the help that I can get. Supposedly, I am a part of a group of 4. However, it seems like only 3 are working on this project. Where the on earth is this Ms. Who-doesn't-care-at-all?
Where is she? Well, perhaps she is somewhere there, resting while her other group mates is freaking out. Or maybe, she is still on a session. Gosh. She doesn't even care to ask us whether we are doing well in this damn f***ing database. Nor did she ever bother to say sorry or even tell us that she won't be helping us. Actually, in the long-run, we learned not to depend, count or expect her to arrive at our meeting place.
I don't care if she's looking forward to shifting to another course. I believe, she deserves that. Why? Because she doesn't take her studies seriously. In fact, most of the time, she is ABSENT. Oh well, lucky her, because some teachers decided not to drop her from their class. Where she is most of the time? Oh, that soo simple. She is back in her hometown. She is actually some sort of a politician there.
I just have this grudge for her. She is my friend. But I'm not that good to understand her all the time. She just really pissed me off. Doesn't she have the initiative to ask us about our project?Or simply, to formally excuse herself from the hardwork? How can she be a good leader if she can't even be a good member a follower? How can she serve better if she doesn't have the full understanding of what priority means?
I swear, I'm giving her a low score on peer evaluation!She didn't worked as much as the 3 of us in this project.
I know what I wrote above was not good. You might consider it backstabbing. Well, it's fine with me. I just have to write down my thoughts. I'm not Ms. Forgive-and-forget-it-all. I can really be mean if you pissed me off!