Je t'aime Eiffel Tower

3:23:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

I don't know how it all begun, but I really got this sort of obsession or fascination on the Eiffel Tower. I don't know why but I just love it, even though it's nothing but a bunch of steel. Perhaps it has something to do with Paris. Ever since I always dreamed of going to Paris. It seems such a nice place and it's the City of Love.

I have several pictures of the Eiffel Tower saved on my laptop. Well, the views varies, so I have this inkling to really see for myself what it looks like. 

As part of my fascination, I had bought some stuffs which has Eiffel Tower designs and my friends, Donna and Nadin are very supportive of my love for Eiffel Tower that they gave me Eiffel towers stuffs on my birthday.

Donna made this for me as the header for my website which is part of the requirements for our BA 183.1 class.

These are notebooks and  I haven't figured out yet what to write on it or where to use it.