To the Girl who Built a Castle in Your Heart

3:26:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

She will never be me —
She will never have to tell you to stop looking at the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of her,
That love is not as simple as standing in the rain next to you,
That anesthesia doesn’t work on broken hearts.

She will never be me —
She will never know how inexperienced your heart and hands were,
That first kisses aren’t made to be prizes for a dare
They’re always awkward, never perfect, and not always magical.

She will never love you like I did —
She will love you a darker shade of red.

She won’t hide under her sheets at 3 am to whisper her love for you
Nor would she pretend not to hear when you promised to love her even in your next life
She won’t say yes even when she meant the opposite
She won’t hold your heart only to crush it.

She will never be me
And I will never be her —
I will never be the girl you wait in front of the altar
Because I had cold feet before you even asked me to spend forever with you.