Kiss Hell Goodbye

6:47:00 PM ivannejuare 0 Comments

After a month of absence, I'm finally back! The past month had not been very good to us. One exam after another. Reports after reports. Readings here and there. There's just not enough time to sit back ant be engulfed by your thoughts. Plus, I made a promise not to blog until the semester is over. After being pressured and tortured continually for months, at last, we can now enjoy 3 weeks of happiness. 

My sembreak officially started yesterday as I finished taking my final exam for this semester. I'm just so excited to have a rest and do whatever I wanted to do: letting time pass by without worrying about the lessons I still have to study. In just 2 days, I was able to watch 5 movies! Yes, FIVE. I bet my laptop's secretly complaining about being overused. Well, I watched 4 in my laptop and went to the cinema to watch the other one. I just felt like spending an extra penny to pamper myself. In addition, I did a little catching up with some anime episodes. I slept at 5 in the morning and woke up at 10. It doesn't sound like I'm having all the sleep in the world, but sleep isn't really on top of my priority list now. Anyhow, I'd be posting a little later about the movies i watched and just some random stuffs.

I'm really looking forward to this sembreak. One because of the Mid Year Convention next week. Another because at last I could read the novels I should have read last summer. Plus, I've got movies waiting in line. And ultimately, the supposed-to-be Block Semender Party which actually eventually turned out to be the semender party of the whole batch 2009 accountancy students. So with all these in line, I say why not take a breath? Relax! Have Fun! and kiss hell goodbye!